Groundwater air conditioning sales business

Electricity bills up to 1/10

Proposal for ultra-energy-saving air conditioning

By using groundwater, large spaces can be cooled quickly, reducing air conditioning energy costs by 90%.Even without groundwater, a small chiller can be used to cut cooling costs by 80%.It can be widely adopted regardless of region, geographical conditions, or groundwater conditions.

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Electricity bill reduction 90%

- Features

We handle products from Aqua Easter Co., Ltd.For each deviceDetail isAqua Easter HomepagePlease refer to the.

Drip-type groundwater air conditioner DCS series

High power model with stainless steel body

By dripping low-temperature groundwater onto a special pad, the air is cooled directly, resulting in ultra-high efficiency.

Groundwater flow type, so there is little temperature rise

By attaching a radiator to the back, the dehumidifying effect is as high as that of an air conditioner.

Overwhelmingly energy-efficient compared to comparable air conditioners

Much less water than radiator type

Dripping groundwater can be made functional water to have air purification capabilities.

By using a small chiller unit in combination, operation is possible even without groundwater.

*The required chiller for a standard 16 horsepower unit is 1.2KW.

Even in environments without groundwaterCan be introduced

Operation with cold water circulation is possible

Achieve 80% reduction in cooling costs even in environments without groundwater

For a standard 16 horsepower device, a small 1200w chiller can provide cooling equivalent to that achieved with groundwater.

Other energy-saving technologies

- Air handling efficiency system

This is a method in which our company's radiator type or drip type combined double panel system is installed in the air intake section. By installing these, air at about 23 to 25 degrees Celsius enters the room in the summer, and the only load on the air conditioning is the heat generated by the people and machines working inside, so the energy costs for cooling are greatly reduced. With a device with an air volume of 300m3/min, the only fan power is about 700W, so it is possible to perform a fairly large amount of ventilation with low energy.

- Positive pressure air conditioning system

This is done by switching some of the exhaust roof fans that are usually attached to air conditioning to supply air, and attaching a mesh to that supply air section. The supply air section is washed by the sun and rain, and it is a system with a track record of no maintenance for 10 years. If you set up a stage below and install our direct air conditioner, there is no need to connect ducts, and the conditioned air will come out from our equipment, and since it can be installed at the top, it can be realized in almost any factory. If you use this method, it will be a system that costs significantly less than normal positive pressure air conditioning.

Case studies


1. What is the service life?

Since there are no other moving parts than the fan, it can be used for more than 10 years if the maintenance is done properly. The heat exchange part can be used after that, so it can be used for even longer by replacing the fan.

2. Is the equipment domestically produced?

Made in Japan. Some products and parts are outsourced overseas and assembled and inspected in Japan.

3. Can groundwater be reused after use?

Yes, that is possible. The groundwater is filtered and then passes through stainless steel piping. As the temperature rises by approximately 5 to 10 degrees Celsius, it is ideal for use as boiler make-up water.

4. Up to what temperature can it be cooled?

It depends on the groundwater temperature, which is the cold source, and the air temperature and humidity. The outlet temperature should be approximately 3 to 7 degrees Celsius above the groundwater temperature. Therefore, it is suitable for cooling up to about 20 degrees Celsius.

5. Can the temperature be controlled?

The standard model has variable airflow adjustment, so rough control is possible. If you require precise temperature adjustment, we can custom design it for you.

6. Can I use the heating function?

This is possible if hot water is used. Hot spring water, waste hot water, steam, compressor waste heat, boiler waste heat, etc. can be used.

Even if groundwater is used in the winter, it does not provide heating on its own, but if it is used to pre-treat outside air, it can reduce the heating load indoors.

7.Can I use it in the office or at home?

Although there is a track record of use, as this equipment was developed for industrial use, it is not standardized. For office and home use, ducted systems are more common, so we can accommodate special orders.

8. How much groundwater will be used?

Please refer to the specifications table for each device.Product Line| Aqua Easter Co., Ltd.)

9. Can groundwater be recycled?

Because the temperature will rise, it is generally used in one pass, but there are also cases where it is designed with a circulating flow-through system.

10. Does it humidify? Can it dehumidify?

Depending on the model, there are some with humidification capabilities and others with humidity adjustment functions, so we can meet your needs.

11. Will it get moldy or grow algae?

This is the field that our company, a water treatment specialist, excels in. Depending on the model, it is possible to use it in clean rooms, and it is also possible to use sterilized water to purify the air, so there is no need to worry about mold or algae.

12. What level of ability do you have?

Please refer to the specifications table for each device. Custom specifications are also available.(Product Line| Aqua Easter Co., Ltd.)

13.What is the material?

The exterior differs depending on the model, but the radiator is made of stainless steel (SUS304). All other companies use copper. The fins are made of aluminum with a highly corrosion-resistant coating. You can choose between SS400 and SUS for the exterior. In rare cases, we may use a titanium heat exchanger that is suitable for acidic water.

14. Are there any regular consumable items?

The radiator type does not have any regular consumables for the main unit.

For drip-type equipment, we recommend replacing the drip panel once a year. We also recommend replacing the dedicated catalyst filter for water treatment about once a year, but the interval will vary depending on the water quality.

15. Can an air filter be installed?

A Saran net filter is standard equipment. Medium-performance, HEPA and other clean filters are also available upon special order.

16. There isn't much groundwater. Can you install it?

The drip-type device is 16 horsepower and produces about 5L of water per minute. Even if there is no groundwater, a 750W chiller can achieve the same effect. Even when using a chiller, energy savings of 80% are achieved compared to air conditioning.

17. The water quality is not very good. Is this ok?

Our system is a flow-through type, so there is no concentrated operation, and so if you use a catalytic filter, scale problems will not occur. Pretreatment is required if the water contains iron-manganese, which precipitates when exposed to air.

*Water treatment is costly, so we offer a system that uses a spiral tube heat exchanger to extract heat from groundwater and circulate clean water. This system is extremely inexpensive and has almost no running costs.

18. Can this be installed in facilities that are currently in operation?

Yes, that is possible. Please contact us for details of the process.

19. What is the maintenance system?

We provide services nationwide. Self-maintenance such as regular cleaning and filter replacement about once a year is also possible.

20. What about the warranty?

The manufacturer's warranty is generally one year, and during the warranty period, any malfunctions due to our fault will be repaired free of charge. We also offer long-term maintenance contracts.

21. How long is the delivery time?

The two plastic models listed in the manufacturer's catalog are in stock, so we can deliver them in about one week after ordering. For other models, delivery times vary depending on the number of units and circumstances, but they are usually delivered in about 60 days.

22. How many customers have you delivered to? To what locations?

We have a track record of around 400 units including related models, and the number is doubling every year. They are used in many places, such as for cooling and heating the working environment of factories, for year-round cooling of heat-generating equipment rooms such as compressor rooms, blower rooms, electrical rooms, furnaces, and molding machines in factories, for cooling and heating agricultural facilities, for cooling and heating gymnasiums, and for reducing the load of introducing outside air.

22.Is a demo available?

Yes, that is possible. In most cases, customers place an order after experiencing the effect through a test carried out on their own.

*The cost of the demo test, including the dispatch fee of the engineer, is approximately 50,000 yen (please consult with us for remote locations).
