Company Profile

Company Name

AE Solution Co., Ltd.


Representative Director Yuya Kimura



ZOOM Fuchu 1007, 2-3-1 Fuchu-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo

Established date

February 2024

Business Contents

-Sales of air conditioning and ventilation equipment

-Fundraising support

Message from the President

Representative Director KimuraYuYa

Graduated from Rakusei High School. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at Kyoto University, he joined Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Ltd. During his five years there, he was involved in loan management in Osaka and Fukuoka, and in supporting carbon neutral initiatives for manufacturers. In 2022, he transferred to a financial consulting venture company. He is involved in support work for obtaining subsidies and grants, and is skilled in creating business plans for difficult subsidy programs and providing support from adoption to receiving funds. In February 2024, he founded the company and is also in charge of the sales development and planning department at Aqua Easter Co., Ltd.
