privacy policy

This Privacy Policy sets out the policy that AE Solution Inc. ( (hereinafter referred to as "this site") will adhere to when handling personal information or similar information of visitors to this site (hereinafter referred to as "Visitors") in relation to the various services (provision of information by this site, reception of various inquiries, etc.) of this site.

1. Businesses handling personal information

AE Solution Co., Ltd.

ZOOM Fuchu 1007, 2-3-1 Fuchu-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo

Representative Director Yuya Kimura 

2. Purpose of use of personal information

The personal information of visitors collected on this website, the purpose of use, retention period, etc. are as follows:

2-1. We will collect personal information from your inquiries.

This website has an inquiry form. We will obtain personal information entered into the form.

(1) Purpose of use of personal information obtained through the inquiry form

This is to respond to inquiries and to manage visitors. By storing the inquiry information from visitors, when the same visitor makes another inquiry, we can respond more accurately by taking into account the content of the previous inquiry. Also, we may introduce the inquiry on this website or in various media owned by our company, saying "We have received this inquiry."

2-2. Storage period

Personal information entered in the inquiry form will be stored for a maximum of two years.

3. Consent to collection of personal information

On this website, we ask our visitors to read this privacy policy before making inquiries through the contact form. By using the contact form, the visitor is deemed to have agreed to this privacy policy.

4. Acquisition of personal information through cookies

This website may send cookies to the visitor's computer. Cookies are a mechanism for storing the usage history and input contents sent and received between the browser and the server when using a website as a file on the visitor's computer.

4-1. Purpose of use of personal information acquired through cookies

This is to improve the convenience of visitors when browsing this website. For example, the next time you access the same page, the page operator can use the cookie information to change the display for each visitor. For example, have you ever used a certain site and the screen to enter your login password was displayed the first time, but the login screen was not displayed the second time you accessed the site and you were able to access the site? This is due to cookies. If the visitor allows cookies to be sent and received in their browser settings, the website can obtain the cookie key from the visitor's browser. Note that to protect privacy, the visitor's browser will only send cookies sent and received by the website's server.

4-2.Acquisition of Cookie Information by Third Parties

This website may display advertisements delivered by third parties, including Google Inc. and Yahoo Japan Corporation, and in connection with this, the third parties may collect and use visitors' cookie information, etc. Cookie information, etc. collected by the third parties will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy of the third parties.

4-3. Regarding the suspension of advertisement distribution such as cookie information to third parties

Visitors can opt out of the use of cookies and other information for advertising purposes by a third party by accessing the opt-out page (to stop providing personal information to third parties) on the third party's website.

4-4. Permitting or refusing the sending and receiving of Cookie information

Visitors can select settings for sending and receiving cookies from among "Allow all cookies," "Reject all cookies," "Notify user when a cookie is received," etc. Setting methods vary depending on the browser. Please check the "Help" menu of your browser for cookie setting methods. Please note that if you select the setting to reject all cookies, you may be subject to restrictions on the use of various services on the Internet, such as being unable to receive services that require authentication.

5. Management of personal information

This site will thoroughly manage the information provided by visitors as follows:

5-1. Ensuring accuracy of information

We will endeavor to ensure that the information provided by visitors is always accurate and up-to-date.

5-2. Safety control measures

This site will implement appropriate security measures to protect personal information in order to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

5-3. Disposal of personal information

When personal information is no longer necessary, it will be promptly discarded.

5-4. Disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and suspension of use of personal information

If a visitor wishes to disclose, correct, add, delete, or suspend the use of their personal information, we will respond promptly after verifying their identity. If you wish to do so, please follow the instructions below.Inquiry formPlease contact us at:

6. Provision of personal information to third parties

This site will not provide personal information provided by visitors to third parties without the visitor's consent. Furthermore, if it becomes necessary to provide such information to a third party in the future, the information to be provided and the purpose of such provision will be presented, and such information will only be provided to the third party with the visitor's consent.

7. Personal information of minors

When a minor makes an inquiry using our inquiry form or reservation form, they must obtain consent from their legal guardian, and when they use our inquiry form or reservation form, it is assumed that their legal guardian has consented to this privacy policy.

8. Contact Information

Regarding this website and the handling of personal information,Inquiry formPlease contact us at:

9. About the access analysis tool

This website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google. This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect access information. This access information is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. Google Analytics cookies are retained for 26 months (depending on the individual Google Analytics settings). This function allows you to refuse collection by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.

10. Advertisements on this Site

This site uses a third-party advertising service (Google AdSense). These advertising distribution companies may use "cookies" (not including name, address, email address, or telephone number) that contain information about access to this site and other sites in order to display advertisements for products and services that match the user's interests.

11. Changes to the Privacy Policy

This site complies with applicable Japanese laws regarding personal information, and will review the contents of this privacy policy as appropriate and strive to improve it. The latest revised privacy policy will always be disclosed on this page.
